- architrave: ornamental moldings around doors, windows or other openings
- archivolt: ornamental moldings on the face of an arch
- artistic concrete: concrete blocks molded to imitate stone, inexpensive substitute using concrete since 1870
- balustrade: Series of short pillars (lathe-turned, square posts or cutouts) supported on top by a handrail on staircases, balconies and porches
- band: any flat horizontal course that projects slightly from a wall
- bargeboard: ornamental board on a gable used to conceal the end rafters
- bay window: a protruding space from the exterior wall. A bow window is a rounded bay.
- belcast eaves: a curve in the slope of a roof ( ie. gambrel dormer of the Express Building)
- brackets: supporting members found under eaves
- capital: the upper portion of a column or pilaster upon which the entablature rests
- casement windows: a window that opens from the outside vertical edge
- casing: finished framework around a door or window
- channels: groves cut or molded into columns for pilasters
- colonette: a small, slender column that is usually decorative
- colonnade: a series of regularly spaced columns
- colossal column -column that spans more than one floor
- conical roof: cone-shaped roof
- console: “S” shaped bracket used to support a door or window hood or a cornice
- coping: the uppermost course of a wall or parapet
- corbeled arch: masonry course advancing inward over the top of a wall opening
- corbiestep: a gable with stepped sides, used to mask a pitched roof
- Corinthian order: classical fluted columns, slender with ornate capitals decorated with stylized leaves
- corner boards: placed at the ends of exterior walls to protect the siding (ie. green on Burnett’s)
- cornice: the top course of a wall when it serves as a crowning member. Along the slope of a gable or pediment, it is called a raking cornice. Maybe open or boxed in (closed).
- crest: ornamental work forming the top of a wall used for decorative purposes (Hardware Store)
- decorative half-timbering: non-structural timbers placed on brick or stucco walls
- dentils: small square blocks found in a series on many cornices or moldings
- Doric order: classical fluted columns with simple, plain capital and no base
- dormer: vertical window projecting from the slope of a roof
- eaves: the portion of the roof that projects beyond the roof
- eclectic style: free mixture of details from any historic style, especially in late 19th century in the States
- ell: extension at right angles to the main structure
- elliptical arch: a three-centered arch
- embrasure: a window or door with slanting sides inward
- entablature: the part of building above the columns, contains the frieze and cornice
- knee brace (strut): a diagonal support across the angle formed by two perpendicular members.
- lancet arch or window: A long, narrow, pointed arch or window
- lantern: A small, windowed structure on a roof for the purpose of admitting light
- latticework: Interlaced, decorative strips of lath, iron or wood
- lintel: A horizontal, wood, stone, or concrete structure that supports the load over an opening such as a window
- louver: An opening, often of wood slates, used or ventilation
- lunnette: A semi-circular window in the recessed part (tympanum) of a gable
- mansard roof: A roof having two slopes on all sides, the lower is much steeper than the upper. Often includes dormer windows.
- modillions: Ornamental blocks or brackets used to support the corona in the Corinthian orders
- molding (moulding): A decorative band used to obscure the joints where two surfaces meet.
- mullion: The central, vertical member of a door or bar between coupled windows or casement windows
- muntin: Thin strips of wood used to hold panes of glass into a window
- newel: The post supporting the handrails of a staircase
- oriel window: A bay window located above the first floor, usually supported by brackets or corbels
- ornamental plasterwork: Decorative carved or molded plasterwork
- ornaments: Details added to a structure solely for decoration
- Palladian window: A window with a central arch and two sidelights
- parapet: A low wall or protective railing used along a roof or balcony
- patera: A small, round or oval in a medallion as seen in door or window moldings, plain or richly decorated with leaves or flowers. (pl. paterae)
- pediment: A triangular section framed by a horizontal molding at the base (frieze) with two raking (sloping) moldings. Used as a crown over doors, windows. May also be discontinuous or broken at the apex.
- pilasters: A decorative, rectangular column attached to a wall, often so as to resemble a classical column.
- plancier: The exposed underside of a projecting member (soffit)
- porte-cochere: A covered entrance over a driveway
- portico: A covered walk or porch supported by columns or pillars; a colonnaded porch or veranda
- Portland cement: A hydraulic cement binder for concrete made of clay and limestone
- pyramidal hipped roof: A pyramid-shaped roof with four, sloping sides that meet at a point
- quarrel (quarry): Small, rectangular, diamond or triangular shaped panes of glass
- Queen Anne sash: A window with many small geometrical shaped panes running along the edges
- quoins: Alternating large and small stone, brick or wood used to decorate and accentuate the corners of a building
- rail: Horizontal members of a door or window
- raking molding: Molding that follows the slope of a gable or pediment
- relieving arch: An arch embedded into a wall to relieve the section below it. It is often found over a lintel
- roof covering: Includes; asbestos shingles, asphalt shingles, metal roofing or shingles, wood shakes, slate shingles, roofing tiles (fired clay or concrete)
- rubblework: Masonry built of rubble or roughly quarried stones (rubble masonry)
- rustic work: Includes uncut stones, decorative, rough woodwork, bark-sided trim, twig-work arranged in ornamental patterns portraying often thought of as a rural style
- sawn wood ornament: Curves, scrolls, lace-work ornamentation made with a jig, band or scroll saw. Gingerbread, as it was called in the late 19th-early 20th century, can be seen on bargeboard, gable trim, over doors and windows.
- shed roof: Roof consists of one inclined plane
- side light: Usually a long, fixed sash found in pairs along side a window or door
- sill: The framing that forms the lower side of a window or door. A lug sill extends beyond the width of a window, where a slip sill is only as wide as the window.
- soffit: The exposed underside of an arch, cornice, balcony or beam
- spandrel: The triangular space between the outside of an arch and the rectangular space surrounding it
- spindlework: Lathed turned wood ornaments used in gable trim or porches and staircases
- stickwork: Major framing timbers are placed on top of the exterior siding for structural or decorative purposes
- stile: A vertical members of a door where the hinges and door lock are attached
- tracery: The ornamental work decorating Gothic arched windows
- transom window: The horizontal window pane(s) above a door
- turret: A small, slender tower often located at the corner of a building or porch
- tympanum: The recessed portion of a triangular pediment, often containing a lunette
- volute: The scroll-like spiral dominating the top of an Ionic column
- voussoir: A wedge-shaped stone or brick in an arch
- water table: A projection of molding at the first-floor level that protects the foundation from water
- wheel window: A round window with glazing bars radiating from the center
Sources Cited
Masterpiece Productions of the Adirondacks. Last accessed May 27, 2007.
Key Facts
At time of upload on July 28, 2017:
- 131 duplicative terms of those already existing in the Architectural Dictionary
- 2 original terms
- 87 total terms in source
- 2.3% original terms in source
- 48 sources in dictionary
- 9,192 unique terms in dictionary
- 13,747 total terms all sources in dictionary
- 66.9% unique terms in dictionary