Isaac Kremer/ June 21, 2019/ / 0 comments
That which upholds. (Saylor, 1952)
- Field Notes: Brand Development
- Field Notes: Two Sided Signs
- Grant Writing
- Architecture / Empire / England & Britain
- Princeton Battlefield - Princeton, New Jersey
- How the Progressive Republican who Named Metuchen, New Jersey, ‘The Brainy Borough’ was Run Out of Town
- Skyscraper! Achievement & Impact, Liberty Science Center - Jersey City, New Jersey
- 48 Hours, 48 Months, 48 Years: A Planning Innovation - Oyster Bay, New York
- Dare to Be Great
- How Tactical Urbanism Can Help Build a #BetterMainStreet
- Creative Placemaking to Transform a Park in Milwaukee and Build a #BetterMainStreet
- Transforming a Neglected Parking Lot - Metuchen, New Jersey
- Transformation Strategies Yield Results for Downtown Metuchen
- How COVID-19 Will Leave Main Street Forever Changed
- How We Neglected Public Space in the US, and How to Make it Better
- 30 Ideas in 30 Days - Better Block Middlesborough
- Americans Return to Main Street – Review of Main Street’s Comeback by Mary Means
- Better Block Middlesboro 2014 – Middlesboro, Kentucky
- Better Block Middlesboro 2013 - Middlesboro, Kentucky
- Field Notes: End of Year Appeal
- Field Notes: Independence Beer Garden - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Case Studies on Economic Resiliency in Rural Communities
- Field Notes: Tamarack - Beckley, West Virginia
- Field Notes: Taylor Ave - Seattle, Washington
- Field Notes: Our Family Garden - Metuchen, New Jersey
- John Noble Pierson & Sons
- About Us
- Downriver Review - Every End Leads to a Start
- Combining Arts & Culture and Heritage to Spur Renaissance
- Making Better Public Spaces in Downtown Wyandotte
- Good Design Downtown – Turn Benches Around
- Clever Costume of the 1893 First Commercial Bank
- Wyandotte’s Historic Arlington Hotel
- Wyandotte’s Historic Marx Theatre
- Architecture / Empire / Roman
- aqueduct
- Opportunities for Historic Preservation in Flat Rock
- Historic Preservation and Master Planning in Flat Rock
- Architecture / Origin / Greek
- Architecture / Empire / Greek
- National Heritage Area
- colonette
- air-supported dome
- spiral staircase
- scaffold
- 10000 year clock
- balusters
- baluster
- putlog hole
- put-log hole
- volute buttress
- Classical style
- rood
- rood beam
- scaffolding
- bearing wall
- bell gable
- frame
- horse
- spring
- spiral spindle
- jack arch
- telamon
- common rafter
- centering
- corbel
- wall plate
- ceiling
- trellis
- carriage
- post and lintel
- skewback
- girder
- screen
- batten
- string
- pier
- squinch
- modillion
- modillion blocks
- modillion bracket
- modillion scroll
- modillions
- scroll-like modillions
- shaft
- masonry
- post
- ancon
- column
- bracket
- ledger board
- ribbon
- stirrup
- clustered column
- principal rafter
- peardrop
- stop champfer
- Central Support Functions
- City Central
- post-and-lintel construction
- post-and-lintel architecture
- boutant
- outsider preservation
- A Glossary of Colonial Architectural Terms (1928)
- Gimli Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee (2018)
- Equitable Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and the New Economic Development Audience
- Terminal A - Newark, New Jersey
- Main Street Now - Birmingham, Alabama (2024)
- Main Street Now - Boston, Massachusetts (2023)
- Storefront - Lush, Edison, New Jersey
- Tools and Techniques - Preservation by Other Means (2022)
- Glossary: Architectural Terms (2005)
- Common Architectural Styles and their Distinguishing Features (2005)
- Historic Preservation (2000)
- The Visual Dictionary of American Domestic Architecture (1997)
- American House Styles (2002)
- Buildings of Main Street: A Guide to American Commercial Architecture (2000)
- What Style is it? (1983)
- Identifying American Architecture (1977)
- American Architecture Since 1780 (1996)
- Tudor History Architecture Glossary (2005)
- WebRef Architecture (2005)
- Architectural Terms (2007)
- Centre County Architecture (2009)
- Dictionary of Architecture (1952)
- Glossary of Medieval Art and Architecture (2022)
- English Church Architecture (2018)
- Glossary of architecture (2018)
- The Oxford History of the Classical World (1986)
- Archetypes in Architecture (1985)
- Dictionary of Symbols (1995)
- Brunelleschi's Dome (2000)
- Architecture: From Prehistory to Modernity (2002)
- Adirondack Heritage (2007)
- Marble Institute (2011)
- Identification and Glossary of Terms (2018)
- A Guide to Architect Terms and Phrases (2018)
- Historic Environment Scotland (2018)
- Preservation Science (2019)
- Study of the Orders (1906)
- A Visual Dictionary of Architecture (1995)
- Main Street Now - Birmingham, Alabama (2024), Part 2
- Downtown - Florence, South Carolina (2023)
- Downtown - Occoquan, Virginia
- The Great Elephant March - New York City, New York
- Book Review - Key to the City
- Rehabilitation of the Octagon Hotel - Oyster Bay, New York
- Sesquicentennial Tour - Wyandotte, Michigan
- insulator
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / 215 Mulberry Street
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / Board of Education Building
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / Five Adjacent Viaducts
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / Gartner Home
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / Henry Ford Health Center
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / Wyandotte Boat Club
- Re-Imagining Downtown DeRidder - DeRidder, Louisiana
- Downtown - Providence, Rhode Island
- bolt
- camping
- High Line Network
- Ford Motor Company Highland Park Plant - Highland Park, Michigan
- reinforced concrete
- corbels
- Downtown - Berkley, Michigan
- Downtown - Cooperstown, New York
- Downtown - Havre de Grace, Maryland
- Over the Rhine - Cincinnati, Ohio
- Visit to Berea, Kentucky
- Downtown - Huntington, New York
- St. Peter the Apostle Roman Catholic Church - New Brunswick, New Jersey
- Downtown - Royal Oak, Michigan
- Mount Lebanon Shaker Society - New Lebanon, New York
- Pictorial Encyclopedia of Historic Architectural Plans (1923)
- Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum - St. Michaels, Maryland
- Downtown - New Canaan, Connecticut
- Downtown - Cocoa Beach, Florida
- Downtown - Harrisonburg, Virginia