Isaac Kremer/ May 10, 2019/ / 0 comments
The transfer of energy produced by the motion of the point of application of a force, equal to the product of the component of the force that acts in the direction of the motion of the point of action and the distance through which the point of application moves. (Ching, 1995)
- Architecture / Empire / England & Britain
- Princeton Battlefield - Princeton, New Jersey
- How the Progressive Republican who Named Metuchen, New Jersey, ‘The Brainy Borough’ was Run Out of Town
- Skyscraper! Achievement & Impact, Liberty Science Center - Jersey City, New Jersey
- 48 Hours, 48 Months, 48 Years: A Planning Innovation - Oyster Bay, New York
- Integrating Historic Preservation and Community Development in Areas of Concentrated Poverty
- Writing
- How to Transform Your Downtown in 48 Hours
- Dare to Be Great
- How Tactical Urbanism Can Help Build a #BetterMainStreet
- Creative Placemaking to Transform a Park in Milwaukee and Build a #BetterMainStreet
- Transforming a Neglected Parking Lot - Metuchen, New Jersey
- Transformation Strategies Yield Results for Downtown Metuchen
- Case Study of 'Detroit Through the Years'
- How We Neglected Public Space in the US, and How to Make it Better
- 30 Ideas in 30 Days - Better Block Middlesborough
- Americans Return to Main Street – Review of Main Street’s Comeback by Mary Means
- UWSA Bike Lab - Winnipeg, Canada
- New Landscapes: Youth and Communities - Florence, Alabama
- Better Block Middlesboro 2014 – Middlesboro, Kentucky
- Better Block Middlesboro 2013 - Middlesboro, Kentucky
- Field Notes: End of Year Appeal
- Field Notes: Independence Beer Garden - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Field Notes: Tamarack - Beckley, West Virginia
- Field Notes: McGraw Square - Seattle, Washington
- Field Notes: Pershing Square Plaza - New York City, New York
- A Dream for Mobility - Disintegration of Downtown - Detroit, Michigan
- Field Notes: Our Family Garden - Metuchen, New Jersey
- John Noble Pierson & Sons
- Fell's Point Neighborhood and the Preservation Society - Baltimore, Maryland
- About Us
- Field Notes: Conversation Landscape
- Downriver Review - Letters from Louisiana
- A New Year’s Resolution for Wyandotte
- Combining Arts & Culture and Heritage to Spur Renaissance
- Creating Experiences on Main Street
- Creating Cool Downriver
- Preserving Wyandotte’s Theater
- Nine New Michigan Historical Markers for Wyandotte
- Why Not Wyandotte?
- The Wyandotte Scene
- Making Better Public Spaces in Downtown Wyandotte
- Save the 1870’s Eberts House!
- Clever Costume of the 1893 First Commercial Bank
- The Eureka Iron & Steel Works Headquarters
- Downtown - Salem, Massachusetts
- Opportunities for Historic Preservation in Flat Rock
- Architecture / Empire / Egypt
- Architecture / Origin / Greek
- Architecture / Empire / Greek
- art glass
- casing nail
- scaffold
- Early Renaissance
- Middlesborough, Kentucky
- Arts and Crafts movement
- Byzantine Revival
- leading
- buhl and counter
- marqueterie
- Brutalism
- framing
- design
- Incantada
- diazoma
- putlog holes
- study
- den
- quarry
- Postmodernism
- cable pattern
- joinery
- Swiss Chalet
- passage
- fret
- bas-relief
- crest
- wattle and dab
- rinceau
- fretwork
- pediment
- tracery
- palmette
- stickwork
- vermiculated work
- turned post
- Under Every Roof (1993)
- woodblock print
- sun print
- third place
- petal
- repeating ornament
- enriched foliated rinceau
- loge
- singerie
- boutant
- ordonnance
- fret molding
- frette
- a la greque
- The American Glossary of Architectural Terms (1887)
- A Concise Glossary of Architectural Terms (1896)
- A Glossary of Colonial Architectural Terms (1928)
- Downtown - Akron, Ohio
- Museum - Newseum, Washington, District of Columbia
- Architecture Dictionary
- Gimli Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee (2018)
- Preservation Plan for St. Louis (1995)
- Equitable Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and the New Economic Development Audience
- Double-Diamond Design
- Terminal A - Newark, New Jersey
- 100% corner
- Main Street Now - Birmingham, Alabama (2024)
- Main Street Now - Boston, Massachusetts (2023)
- Loggia (2017)
- Common Architectural Styles and their Distinguishing Features (2005)
- Historic Preservation (2000)
- The Visual Dictionary of American Domestic Architecture (1997)
- American House Styles (2002)
- What Style is it? (1983)
- Identifying American Architecture (1977)
- American Architecture Since 1780 (1996)
- Tudor History Architecture Glossary (2005)
- Old House Dictionary (1994)
- Architecture & Ornament (1990)
- Sturgis' Dictionary (1901)
- Illustrated Dictionary of Historic Architecture (1977)
- S, M, L, XL (1995)
- English Church Architecture (2018)
- Glossary of architecture (2018)
- The Oxford History of the Classical World (1986)
- Dictionary of Symbols (1995)
- Brunelleschi's Dome (2000)
- Thomas Jefferson's Monticello (2002)
- How to Complete the National Register Registration Form (1997)
- Adirondack Heritage (2007)
- Marble Institute (2011)
- Architectural Details (2017)
- A Guide to Architect Terms and Phrases (2018)
- Preservation Science (2019)
- Glossary of Bridge Terminology (2019)
- Art History Glossary (2022)
- Architecture Dictionary (2023)
- Strategic Doing Credo
- Benefits of Main Street
- Tactical Urbanism Workshop
- Public Art - Iceberg, New York City, New York
- Porch Design (1994)
- Give your District New Life in Two Days for Less than $2,000
- Creative Placemaking Bootcamp
- Romeo & Juliet (1597)
- AARP Community Challenge Webinar
- A Visual Dictionary of Architecture (1995)
- Ten Books on Architecture (15 BCE)
- The Grammar of Architecture (2002)
- The Library of Congress: An Architectural Alphabet (2000)
- Rediscovering Art Deco U.S.A. (2002)
- Architecture / Origin / Africa / Egyptian
- 10th National Eucharistic Congress - Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)
- Main Street Now - Birmingham, Alabama (2024), Part 2
- Downtown - Florence, South Carolina (2023)
- Downtown - Suffern, New York
- Downtown - Rahway, New Jersey
- Downtown - Atlantic City, New Jersey
- Book Review - Key to the City
- Downtown - Montclair, New Jersey
- Downtown - Greensboro, North Carolina
- Field Notes: Street Banners
- spindle band
- Strategic Doing - "Unlock the Power of Adaptive Practices: Beyond Traditional Management"
- Rehabilitation of the Octagon Hotel - Oyster Bay, New York
- Sesquicentennial Tour - Wyandotte, Michigan
- breastwork
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / George P. and Laura Ford/MacNichols House
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / Bishop Park
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / Eureka Iron and Steel Company Headquarters
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / R.P. McMurphy’s Restaurant and Bar
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / Site of Ford Village Municipal Building
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / St. Helena Roman Catholic Church
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / William Armstrong House
- prairie house
- Queen Anne revival style
- gesamtkunstwerk
- Spanish and Latin American Baroque
- Bulletin Board - Exchange District, Winnipeg, Canada
- Empire Style
- Mayan architecture
- Re-Imagining Downtown DeRidder - DeRidder, Louisiana
- Architecture / Style / Federal
- wicker
- withSimplicity - Harrisonburg, Virginia
- Good Citizenship
- inflatable rats
- Do Better Project - Middlesboro, Kentucky
- Downtown - Farmington, Michigan
- Audubon Park Garden District - Orlando, Florida
- Downtown - South Orange, New Jersey
- Better Block - Dallas, Texas
- Museum - William J. Clinton Presidential Museum and Park, Little Rock, Arkansas
- Ferndale Way-finding Sign Project - Ferndale, Michigan
- George W. Bush Presidential Center - Dallas, Texas
- Old Nassau County Courthouse - Garden City, New York
- Dedo
- Armory Arts Project - Jackson, Michigan
- Oak Ridge Park - Clark, New Jersey
- Visit to Berea, Kentucky
- Illustrated Glossary of Architecture, 850-1830 (1966)
- Roosevelt Hospital - Edison, New Jersey
- The Grammar of Ornament (1856)
- Mount Lebanon Shaker Society - New Lebanon, New York
- Museum - Peacock Room, Free Gallery of Art, Washington, District of Columbia
- Downtown - Medford, New Jersey
- Bell Labs - Holmdel, New Jersey
- The Henry Ford - Dearborn, Michigan