ceiling medallion
Isaac Kremer/ September 9, 2018/ / 0 comments
An ornament located in the center of a ceiling; often lavishly decorated. Photo from Monticello, Charlottesville, Virginia, 2023. (Phillips, 1994)
centerpiece, mediallion, center, rosette
- Architecture / Empire / England & Britain
- Princeton Battlefield - Princeton, New Jersey
- How the Progressive Republican who Named Metuchen, New Jersey, ‘The Brainy Borough’ was Run Out of Town
- Skyscraper! Achievement & Impact, Liberty Science Center - Jersey City, New Jersey
- Camposanto - Pisa, Italy
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- Field Notes: The Spheres - Seattle, Washington
- Detroit's Lost Moonlight Towers are Austin's Gain
- Field Notes: Our Family Garden - Metuchen, New Jersey
- John Noble Pierson & Sons
- Downtown - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
- Field Notes: Cady's Alley - Georgetown, District of Columbia
- Field Notes: Stamford Town Center Jazz on the Plaza - Stamford, Connecticut
- Field Notes: Heritage Tourism - Easton, Maryland
- Does Wyandotte Need an Arts Foundation?
- A New Year’s Resolution for Wyandotte
- Combining Arts & Culture and Heritage to Spur Renaissance
- What Will Happen With the Marx Brewing Company Site?
- The Wyandotte Scene
- Viewing Wyandotte’s Past and Future from the Millennium Clock Tower
- Making Better Public Spaces in Downtown Wyandotte
- Old City - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Architecture / Origin / Greek
- Architecture / Empire / Greek
- Architecture / Empire / Persian
- agora
- centerpiece
- shopping-mall
- nymphaeum
- smokehouse
- wheel window
- Palladian motif
- compluvium
- systyle
- eustyle
- megaron
- Nikko
- Omphalos
- arena
- braced frame
- passage
- star
- trumeau
- rose window
- patera
- dogtooth
- running bond
- needle spire
- Preserving Wyandotte’s Theater
- Creating Experiences on Main Street
- Downriver Review - Letters from Louisiana
- two-over-two
- downtown
- midtown
- the city
- Downtown - Akron, Ohio
- labyrinth
- Downtown - Toms River, New Jersey
- Downtown - Cranford, New Jersey
- Main Street Now - Boston, Massachusetts (2023)
- Porch Design (1994)
- Glossary: Architectural Terms (2005)
- Historic Preservation (2000)
- The Visual Dictionary of American Domestic Architecture (1997)
- American House Styles (2002)
- Buildings of Main Street: A Guide to American Commercial Architecture (2000)
- Identifying American Architecture (1977)
- American Architecture Since 1780 (1996)
- Tudor History Architecture Glossary (2005)
- Centre County Architecture (2009)
- Dictionary of Architecture (1952)
- Old House Dictionary (1994)
- Illustrated Dictionary of Historic Architecture (1977)
- Glossary of Medieval Art and Architecture (2022)
- Glossary of architecture (2018)
- Dictionary of Symbols (1995)
- Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture (2002)
- How to Complete the National Register Registration Form (1997)
- Marble Institute (2011)
- Design Training (2018)
- Preservation Science (2019)
- Glossary of Bridge Terminology (2019)
- Architecture Dictionary (2023)
- Equitable Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and the New Economic Development Audience
- Creative Placemaking Bootcamp
- Adirondack Heritage (2007)
- A Glossary of Colonial Architectural Terms (1928)
- A Visual Dictionary of Architecture (1995)
- The Library of Congress: An Architectural Alphabet (2000)
- Rediscovering Art Deco U.S.A. (2002)
- wheel of fortune
- 10th National Eucharistic Congress - Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)
- Main Street Now - Birmingham, Alabama (2024), Part 2
- Main Street Now - Birmingham, Alabama (2024)
- Downtown - Occoquan, Virginia
- Downtown - Suffern, New York
- Downtown - Atlantic City, New Jersey
- Downtown - Montclair, New Jersey
- Downtown - Greensboro, North Carolina
- Sesquicentennial Tour - Wyandotte, Michigan
- Wyandotte, Michigan
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / Amo-Juchartz House
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / Arlington Hotel
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / Biddle Ave and Oak Street
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / Gartner Home
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / Knights of Columbus Building
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / Rivers Edge Gallery
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / St. Helena Roman Catholic Church
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / William Armstrong House
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / Wyandotte Theater
- fora
- German/Swiss Colonial style
- German Colonial
- great hall
- lobby
- on-center entrance
- Re-Imagining Downtown DeRidder - DeRidder, Louisiana
- The Architecture, Art, and Culture of Savannah, Georgia
- Downtown - Providence, Rhode Island
- Downtown - Johnson City, Tennessee
- Architecture / Style / Gothic Revival
- Downtown - Farmington, Michigan
- Downtown - Millburn, New Jersey
- Audubon Park Garden District - Orlando, Florida
- Dr. Phillips Center and POP! - Orlando, Florida
- Downtown - Trenton, New Jersey
- Cabinet Room
- Museum - William J. Clinton Presidential Museum and Park, Little Rock, Arkansas
- Downtown - Havre de Grace, Maryland
- Enframed Window Wall
- Downtown - Royal Oak, Michigan
- Mount Lebanon Shaker Society - New Lebanon, New York
- Under Every Roof (1993)
- Pictorial Encyclopedia of Historic Architectural Plans (1923)
- Architectural Description Guide (1978)
- Catherine-wheel window
- Bell Labs - Holmdel, New Jersey
- Downtown - Traverse City, Michigan
- Downtown - Harrisonburg, Virginia