Isaac Kremer/ January 14, 2018/ / 0 comments
A pane of glass, as in a window light, or the whole sash, as in a skylight. Photo from Metuchen, New Jersey, 2021. (Baker, 1994)
- hall of mirrors
- Field Notes: Brand Development
- Field Notes: Two Sided Signs
- Architecture / Empire / England & Britain
- How the Progressive Republican who Named Metuchen, New Jersey, ‘The Brainy Borough’ was Run Out of Town
- How Tactical Urbanism Can Help Build a #BetterMainStreet
- Transforming a Neglected Parking Lot - Metuchen, New Jersey
- How We Neglected Public Space in the US, and How to Make it Better
- Better Block Middlesboro 2014 – Middlesboro, Kentucky
- Field Notes: Streetery - Maplewood, New Jersey
- Field Notes: Annapolis Town Center - Annapolis, Maryland
- Field Notes: The BOB - Grand Rapids, Michigan
- Field Notes: Independence Beer Garden - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Field Notes: Garden Bar - New York City, New York
- Field Notes: The Garage - Louisville, Kentucky
- Detroit's Lost Moonlight Towers are Austin's Gain
- The Architecture, Art, and Culture of Savannah, Georgia
- Field Notes: Pershing Square Plaza - New York City, New York
- Field Notes: Garment District - New York City, New York
- Field Notes: Greeley Square - New York City, New York
- Field Notes: Our Family Garden - Metuchen, New Jersey
- Downriver Review - Letters from Louisiana
- Wyandotte’s Historic Marx Theatre
- Zoroastrianism
- Architecture / Empire / Egypt
- Architecture / Origin / Greek
- Glossary of West Virginia Architecture
- skylights
- carnival glass
- pressed glass
- candle holder
- Blessed Virgin Mary
- Mount Airy granite
- slash pine
- Mt. Airy granite
- white oak
- American chestnut
- skylight
- dome light
- rainbow
- margin-light
- marbleized
- ragging
- scumbling
- arcaded block commercial building
- corner commercial building
- casement window
- corner window
- bullet light
- chipolin painting
- well
- Sienna marble
- diner
- Palladian window
- astragal
- business park
- vernition window
- transom window
- mullioned window
- jalousie
- continuous business block
- beam
- lantern
- window
- corner business block
- blind
- shutters
- fretwork
- Rococo
- transom
- basilica
- diamond work
- double cone
- Chicago window
- blind window
- laylight
- bellied balconet
- sugar maple
- blue print paper
- printing machine
- sun print
- checkerboard
- Tiffany shade
- section drawing
- abatjour
- lanterne des morts
- Brignoles
- meter
- jour
- glass block
- America's First Cathedral (2007)
- Creating the Artful Home: The Aesthetic Movement (2006)
- A Concise Glossary of Architectural Terms (1896)
- A Glossary of Colonial Architectural Terms (1928)
- Cosmos, Johnson Museum of Art - Ithaca, New York
- Romeo & Juliet (1597)
- Affordability on Main Street
- Classic Architectural Vocabulary (2023)
- Preservation Plan for St. Louis (1995)
- Terminal A - Newark, New Jersey
- Main Street Now - Birmingham, Alabama (2024)
- Main Street Now - Boston, Massachusetts (2023)
- Under Every Roof (1993)
- Glossary: Architectural Terms (2005)
- Common Architectural Styles and their Distinguishing Features (2005)
- The Visual Dictionary of American Domestic Architecture (1997)
- American House Styles (2002)
- What Style is it? (1983)
- Identifying American Architecture (1977)
- American Architecture Since 1780 (1996)
- WebRef Architecture (2005)
- AIA Guide to New York City (2000)
- Dictionary of Architecture (1952)
- American Vernacular Design, 1870-1940 (1988)
- Old House Dictionary (1994)
- Architecture & Ornament (1990)
- The Houses We Live In (2002)
- Sturgis' Dictionary (1901)
- Illustrated Dictionary of Historic Architecture (1977)
- S, M, L, XL (1995)
- English Church Architecture (2018)
- House Styles in Eau Claire, 1850-1990 (2018)
- Glossary of architecture (2018)
- Church Symbolism (1938)
- Pevsner (1977)
- Architectural Description Guide (1978)
- The Oxford History of the Classical World (1986)
- Dictionary of Symbols (1995)
- An Illustrated Glossary of Architectural and Constructional Terms (1998)
- Brunelleschi's Dome (2000)
- Symbols and Their Meaning (2000)
- Architecture: From Prehistory to Modernity (2002)
- Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture (2002)
- How to Complete the National Register Registration Form (1997)
- Adirondack Heritage (2007)
- Great Buildings (2009)
- Marble Institute (2011)
- Buffalo Architecture and History (2018)
- Trust for Architectural Easements (2018)
- Glossary of architecture (2017)
- Identification and Glossary of Terms (2018)
- A Guide to Architect Terms and Phrases (2018)
- A View on Cities (2018)
- Historic Environment Scotland (2018)
- Preservation Science (2019)
- Andover's Architectural Styles (2021)
- Architecture Dictionary (2023)
- National Endowment for the Humanities (2023)
- Manningham Conservation Area Assessment (2023)
- Stromberg Architectural Products (2023)
- Study of the Orders (1906)
- From Abacus to Zeus (1968)
- Tactical Urbanism Workshop
- Public Art - Iceberg, New York City, New York
- A Visual Dictionary of Architecture (1995)
- The Library of Congress: An Architectural Alphabet (2000)
- Rediscovering Art Deco U.S.A. (2002)
- Architecture / Origin / Africa / Egyptian
- 10th National Eucharistic Congress - Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)
- Savannah Architecture Glossary
- lighthouse
- Downtown - Suffern, New York