Tools and Techniques – Preservation by Other Means (2022)

Tools and Techniques – Preservation by Other Means, New Jersey Preservation Conference, Trenton, New Jersey (June 3, 2022)

Co-presenter Edward E. Fox, III, led off with insights on how to achieve historic preservation outcomes. Among these are approaches providing economic and social incentives in support of preservation.

Looking for ways to preserve your historic character? This session will highlight planning tools and
business techniques that can protect resources and advance the viability of your community. Presentations were followed by a 20-minute narration on the revitalization of Metuchen, with selected slides that follow.

Dorothy P. Guzzo, Executive Director, New Jersey Historic Trust

Edward E. Fox III, AICP, PP, Senior Planner, Environmental Resources, Inc.
Isaac D. Kremer, Executive Director, Metuchen Downtown Alliance


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