Wyandotte Interactive Tour / 1st Michigan Alkali Clubhouse

Wyandotte, Michigan
1854 Wyandotte Village   |   Ford City   |   Glenwood & Mt. Carmel   |   South Wyandotte 

67. 1st Michigan Alkali Clubhouse, Built 1900
Constructed in 1900 by the Michigan Alkali company as Wyandotte’s first athletic clubhouse, the City of Wyandotte purchased the property in 1922 when the new clubhouse was constructed at the corner of Mulberry and Biddle. The 2nd clubhouse was later demolished, though the 1st clubhouse still remains.

The American Legion occupies the 1st clubhouse today. The clubhouse was named after Edward C. Hedmund, the first Wyandotte person to die in World War I, and also son of city Treasurer James Hedmund.

The area north of the original clubhouse was purchased in 1901 for use as an athletic field to use in connection with the club building. The American Legion later occupied the clubhouse and continues to occupy it, and the athletic field has been converted to Bishop Park for public use today.