Alphabetical Order
By Category
BUILDING: The art and the practice of putting together material in such a way as to produce a structure of some elaboration; especially, in architectural usage, a dwelling house, hall for meeting, place of worship, or the like.
- building / building
- building / castle
- building / church
- building / church-related residence
- building / clock
- building / commerce/trade
- building / concept
- building / exterior
- building / furnishing
- building / mosque
- building / open space
- building / pagoda
- building / paving
- building / place
- building / plan
- building / porch
- building / principle
- building / pyramid
- building / recreation/culture
- building / religion
- building / room
- building / sitework
- building / substructure
- building / synagogue
- building / temple
- building / theater
- building / tower
DESIGN: To conceive, contrive, or devise the form and structure of a building or other construction.
- design / concept
- design / geometry
- design / history
- design / landscape
- design / measure
- design / planning
- design / prefix
- design / principle
- design / process
- design / shape
- design / style
- design / survey
- design / symbol
FUNCTION: The natural or proper action for which something is designed, used, or exists.
- function / agriculture/subsistence
- function / commerce/trade
- function / culture and recreation
- function / defense
- function / domestic
- function / education
- function / funerary
- function / government
- function / health care
- function / industry/processing/extraction
- function / recreation/culture
- function / religion
- function / social
- function / transportation
MATERIAL: Matter having unique qualities by which it may be categorized.
- material / adobe
- material / ceramic tile
- material / cloth/canvas
- material / concrete
- material / earth
- material / glass
- material / metal
- material / stone
- material / stucco
- material / synthetics
- material / terra cotta
- material / wood
ORDER: An Order is the total assemblage of parts comprising the column and its appropriate entablature. The primary divisions of the column are base, shaft and capital. The primary divisions of the entablature are architrave, frieze and cornice.
- Order / column / arrangement
- Order / column / base
- Order / column / capital
- Order / column / shaft
- Order / column / type
- Order / entablature / architrave
- Order / entablature / cornice
- Order / entablature / frieze
- Order / entablature
- Order / pediment
- Order / type
SERVICES: Commonly, mechanical services within a building, such as heating, plumbing, ventilation, power, IT, etc.
- services / communication
- services / drainage
- services / electricity
- services / elevator
- services / escalator
- services / fire safety
- services / fireplace
- services / heating
- services / hoist
- services / hydraulic
- services / insulation
- services / lighting
- services / moisture control
- services / plumbing
- services / sound
- services / ventilation
SKIN: A term referring to the outer “clothing” or membrane of a building – the brick walls, the glass and steel cladding, windows, doors, and so on.
- skin / carving
- skin / ceiling
- skin / coating
- skin / color
- skin / door
- skin / dormer
- skin / floor
- skin / molding
- skin / opening
- skin / ornament
- skin / paving
- skin / plaster
- skin / roof
- skin / sheathing
- skin / shingle
- skin / tracery
- skin / window
STRUCTURE: A stable assembly of structural elements designed and constructed to function as a whole in supporting and transmitting applied loads safely to the ground without exceeding the allowable stresses in the members.
- structure / arch
- structure / beam
- structure / bracket
- structure / bridge
- structure / cable structure
- structure / column
- structure / connection
- structure / construction
- structure / fastening
- structure / foundation
- structure / frame
- structure / hardware
- structure / platform
- structure / projection
- structure / reinforced concrete
- structure / wall
STYLE: Characteristic form, as of a specific period in history.
TYPE: Exemplar, pattern, prototype, or original work serving as a model after which a building or buildings are copied.
Geographic Origin
- AFRICA: African, Egyptian
- AUSTRALIA: Australian
- ASIA: Middle East, Southeast Asia, Russian
- EUROPE: European, Central Europe, Belgian, British, French, Irish, Scottish, Scandinavian, Swedish, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Roman, Russian
- NORTH AMERICA: USA & Canada, Central America, Native American
- SOUTH AMERICA: South American
Empire / Nation
- Sumerian : Uruk, Jemdet Nasr, Akkadian, Gutian, Ur (5400 BCE – 1750 BCE)
- Egyptian (3100 BCE – 332 BCE)
- Babylonian (2300 BCE – 539 BCE)
- Assyrian (2025 BCE – 609 BCE)
- Uratu (858 BCE – 570 BCE)
- Greek (800 BCE – 146 BCE)
- Roman (753 BCE – 1453)
- Persian (559 BCE – 651)
- French (450 -1870)
- English & British (827 – present)
- Holy Roman (962 – 1806)
- Danish (1350 – 1953)
- Spanish (1402 – 1975)
- Portugese (1415 – 1999)
- Aztec (1428 – 1521)
- Dutch (1543 – present)
- Swedish (1611 – 1718)
- Russian (1721 – 1917)
- United States of America (1776 – present)
- German (1871 – 1918)