Wyandotte Interactive Tour / Gustave C. Melhose House

Wyandotte, Michigan
1854 Wyandotte Village   |   Ford City   |   Glenwood & Mt. Carmel   |   South Wyandotte

51. Gustave C. Melhose House, Oak 367, Queen Anne/Colonial Revival, Built 1904
A Queen Anne house with Colonial Revival details, built in 1904 by Robert Mellin. This cross-gabled, hipped-roof building has Colonial Revival elements on the exterior including a shallow hipped roof, open Tuscan columned porch flanked by projecting triple bay windows with beveled glass.

Gustave Mehlhose who built the house, and his family, operated a famous ice cream and dairy business, which in 1986 was named a centennial business by the Michigan Historical Society.

Emerson Mehlhose built glider plans in the basement of this house and held several long distance records in the gliding sport.

Paired lights punctuate the second story while a square rectangular light appears above the hipped roof porch. The front gable has a fanlight pediment with a keystone on top. The cedar shingle roof was common to many homes built in the early 20th century.

Listed on the State Register of Historic Sites 3/21/1991, marker erected 10/30/1997.
Wyandotte Historical Society plaque accepted June 7, 1991.