1854 Wyandotte Village | Ford City | Glenwood & Mt. Carmel | South Wyandotte
40. Site of 2nd Michigan Alkali Company Clubhouse, Built 1922, Demolished
When the City of Wyandotte purchased their first clubhouse along the Detroit River in the area to become Bishop Park, the Michigan Alkali Company built a second clubhouse on the NE corner of Biddle and Mulberry.
Built in 1922, the 2nd clubhouse was used for recreational purposes. Both clubhouses were the first structures in the city to be used for recreation. This indicated by the start of the 20th century ordinary workers began to have the opportunity for leisure time and to recreate. This trend continued throughout the 20th century and resulted in creation of several wonderful parks in Wyandotte.
Regrettably the 2nd Michigan Alkali Company Clubhouse (later named the Wyandotte Chemical Company clubhouse) was demolished and athletic fields north of the clubhouse replaced to make way for a hospital parking lot.