Isaac Kremer/ January 28, 2022/ / 0 comments
A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent things or parts forming a complex or unified whole, especially to serve a common purpose. (Ching, 1995)
- How the Progressive Republican who Named Metuchen, New Jersey, ‘The Brainy Borough’ was Run Out of Town
- Skyscraper! Achievement & Impact, Liberty Science Center - Jersey City, New Jersey
- 48 Hours, 48 Months, 48 Years: A Planning Innovation - Oyster Bay, New York
- Dare to Be Great
- How Tactical Urbanism Can Help Build a #BetterMainStreet
- Observatory - Portland, Maine
- Case Study of 'Detroit Through the Years'
- How We Neglected Public Space in the US, and How to Make it Better
- 30 Ideas in 30 Days - Better Block Middlesborough
- Better Block Middlesboro 2014 – Middlesboro, Kentucky
- Better Block Middlesboro 2013 - Middlesboro, Kentucky
- Field Notes: Independence Beer Garden - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Case Studies on Economic Resiliency in Rural Communities
- Detroit's Lost Moonlight Towers are Austin's Gain
- U.S. Presidential Libraries and Museums
- John Noble Pierson & Sons
- Downriver Review - Letters from Louisiana
- Creating Experiences on Main Street
- Viewing Wyandotte’s Past and Future from the Millennium Clock Tower
- modular suspended pavement system
- Architecture / Origin / Greek
- architectural fountain
- Greek mythology
- five
- ahenum
- leading
- parquetry
- half-dovetail notch
- framing
- planetarium
- triglyph
- balloon framing
- balloon frame
- braced frame
- scale
- Gothic Architecture
- grisaille
- alternating system
- station
- riser
- parqueterie
- fan vaulting
- downtown
- City Central
- railroad station
- railroad
- cuspidation
- lintel construction
- post-and-lintel system
- America's First Cathedral (2007)
- Creating the Artful Home: The Aesthetic Movement (2006)
- Under Every Roof (1993)
- Glossary: Architectural Terms (2005)
- American House Styles (2002)
- What Style is it? (1983)
- American Architecture Since 1780 (1996)
- Glossary of Medieval Art and Architecture (2022)
- The Oxford History of the Classical World (1986)
- Archetypes in Architecture (1985)
- Dictionary of Symbols (1995)
- Symbols and Their Meaning (2000)
- Architecture: From Prehistory to Modernity (2002)
- Thomas Jefferson's Monticello (2002)
- Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture (2002)
- How to Complete the National Register Registration Form (1997)
- Marble Institute (2011)
- Historic Environment Scotland (2018)
- Glossary of Bridge Terminology (2019)
- The Great Courses: Travelling the Roman Empire (2022)
- Architecture Dictionary (2023)
- Tactical Urbanism Workshop
- A Visual Dictionary of Architecture (1995)
- 10th National Eucharistic Congress - Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)
- reinforcement
- geodesic
- post-and-beam construction
- water tower
- Audubon Park Garden District - Orlando, Florida
- Ferndale Way-finding Sign Project - Ferndale, Michigan
- Heritage Trail - New London, Connecticut
- Fort Saybrook - Old Saybrook, Connecticut
- Hole in the Wall Beach - Niantic, Connecticut
- stiles
- Roman lattice
- Detroit Riverwalk - Detroit, Michigan
- hewn and pegged
- People Mover
- The Henry Ford - Dearborn, Michigan
- Pillar to Post: English Architecture without Tears (1938)