Isaac Kremer/ January 28, 2022/ / 0 comments
Any figure having only two dimensions, as a plane or curved two-dimensional locus of points defining the boundary of a solid. (Ching, 1995)
- Field Notes: Two Sided Signs
- Architecture / Empire / England & Britain
- sundial
- Skyscraper! Achievement & Impact, Liberty Science Center - Jersey City, New Jersey
- Creative Placemaking to Transform a Park in Milwaukee and Build a #BetterMainStreet
- How We Neglected Public Space in the US, and How to Make it Better
- Field Notes: Independence Beer Garden - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Field Notes: The Spheres - Seattle, Washington
- Field Notes: Pershing Square Plaza - New York City, New York
- A Dream for Mobility - Disintegration of Downtown - Detroit, Michigan
- Field Notes: Conversation Landscape
- Field Notes: Pop-up Bocce Court
- painted glass
- Architecture / Empire / Egypt
- Architecture / Origin / Greek
- key
- distyle in antis
- wall projection
- color wall
- carnival glass
- pile
- engaged column
- dome skylight
- rim lock
- Arabesque
- marbleized
- ragging
- scumbling
- Federal Style
- roof covering
- tongue and groove
- backing
- boast
- chrome
- terrazzo
- terrazzo floor
- decorative half-timbering
- encrustation
- inlay
- stained glass
- corner post
- glaze
- corbiestep
- finishing nail
- finish
- projection
- bed
- area
- splay
- floor
- prostyle
- cone
- repoussé
- Mission
- cock bead
- reeded torus
- flush bead
- flush bead molding
- flush
- scale
- rib
- imbrication
- exterior chimney
- canted bay window
- perspective
- cant
- furring
- profile
- fieldstone
- Romanesque commercial building
- bead
- skewback
- facet
- H-hinge
- chair rail
- torus
- wooden clapboards
- stile
- pitch
- bevel
- chamfer
- stretcher
- reveal
- plaque
- wall
- cross
- facing
- fascia
- stucco
- pediment
- conical roof
- Italianate commercial building
- broached dressing
- base
- graffiti
- tread
- molding
- chimney shaft
- dressed stone
- trapdoor
- vermiculated work
- variegated
- sunk fillet
- dog-tooth course
- woodblock print
- sun print
- parking lot
- stucco finish
- ciel
- craquelure
- A Glossary of Colonial Architectural Terms (1928)
- Gimli Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee (2018)
- Glossary: Architectural Terms (2005)
- Historic Preservation (2000)
- American House Styles (2002)
- Buildings of Main Street: A Guide to American Commercial Architecture (2000)
- What Style is it? (1983)
- Identifying American Architecture (1977)
- Tudor History Architecture Glossary (2005)
- WebRef Architecture (2005)
- Architectural Terms (2007)
- American Vernacular Design, 1870-1940 (1988)
- Glossary of Medieval Art and Architecture (2022)
- English Church Architecture (2018)
- Glossary of architecture (2018)
- The Oxford History of the Classical World (1986)
- Archetypes in Architecture (1985)
- Brunelleschi's Dome (2000)
- Architecture: From Prehistory to Modernity (2002)
- Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture (2002)
- Marble Institute (2011)
- Identification and Glossary of Terms (2018)
- Historic Environment Scotland (2018)
- Preservation Science (2019)
- Glossary of Bridge Terminology (2019)
- Historic Ipswich (2021)
- Architecture Dictionary (2023)
- A Visual Dictionary of Architecture (1995)
- The Library of Congress: An Architectural Alphabet (2000)
- Architecture / Origin / Africa / Egyptian
- Main Street Now - Birmingham, Alabama (2024), Part 2
- Architecture: Form, Space & Order (1979)
- spalling
- scaling
- weatherings
- dots
- bush hammering
- wall plane
- Germantown stone
- tracery vaulting
- projecting window
- lap
- Re-Imagining Downtown DeRidder - DeRidder, Louisiana
- Downtown - Newark, Delaware
- excavation
- Downtown - South Orange, New Jersey
- linenfold
- Heritage Trail - New London, Connecticut
- common bricks
- common brick
- The Grammar of Ornament (1856)
- triangular prism buttress
- Downtown - Royal Oak, Michigan