fourches patibulaires

Isaac Kremer/ September 9, 2018/ / 0 comments

In French, for the gallows which could accommodate simultaneously a number of victims; consisted of stone pillars connected by wooden beams, constructed in the Middle Ages by the French nobility on their lands at the behest of the King; the number of pillars in the gallows depended on the rank of the noble. The King himself had as many pillars on the Royal Gallows as he thought necessary. Criminals were either hanged there, ascending to their nooses on inside ladders, or brought there after execution for public display. The gallows were used not only for human beings but also for animals, particularly for pigs that had been condemned to death for eating children. (Kremer, 2023)

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About Isaac Kremer

Isaac is a nationally acclaimed downtown revitalization leader, speaker, and author. Districts Isaac managed have achieved over $850 million of investment, more than1,645 jobs created, and were 2X Great American Main Street Award Semifinalists and a 1X GAMSA winner in 2023. His work has been featured in Newsday, NJBIZ, ROI-NJ, Patch, TapInto, and USA Today. Isaac is a Main Street America Revitalization Professional (MSARP), with additional certifications from the National Parks Service, Project for Public Spaces, Grow America (formerly the National Development Council), and the Strategic Doing Institute. He currently serves as Executive Director for Experience Princeton in Princeton, New Jersey.

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