Isaac Kremer/ January 28, 2022/ / 0 comments
The shape and structure of something as distinguished from its substance or material. 2. Boarding or sheathing of wood, metal, plastic, or fiberglass for containing and giving a desired shape to newly placed concrete until it sets and gains sufficient strength to be self-supporting. (Ching, 1995)
- effigy mound
- Architecture / Empire / England & Britain
- sundial
- amphora
- How the Progressive Republican who Named Metuchen, New Jersey, ‘The Brainy Borough’ was Run Out of Town
- Skyscraper! Achievement & Impact, Liberty Science Center - Jersey City, New Jersey
- How Tactical Urbanism Can Help Build a #BetterMainStreet
- Creative Placemaking to Transform a Park in Milwaukee and Build a #BetterMainStreet
- How We Neglected Public Space in the US, and How to Make it Better
- 30 Ideas in 30 Days - Better Block Middlesborough
- Better Block Middlesboro 2014 – Middlesboro, Kentucky
- The Architecture, Art, and Culture of Savannah, Georgia
- John Noble Pierson & Sons
- Field Notes: Heritage Tourism - Easton, Maryland
- The Underhill Family and the Making of America
- cascade
- Downriver Review - Letters from Louisiana
- The Spirit of Wyandotte
- Delirious Wyandotte
- Wyandotte’s Historic Arlington Hotel
- Seven Hills of Rome
- scale
- Old City - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- paternoster
- Architecture / Empire / Egypt
- Architecture / Origin / Greek
- Architecture / Empire / Greek
- National Heritage Area
- Downtown - Hamilton, Ontario
- ad hominem
- carnival glass
- High Victorian Gothic
- colonette
- palace
- double guilloche
- chestnut
- coursed
- pine
- caulicoli
- laquear
- Arabesque
- cap
- Cape Cod cottage
- Classical orders
- mansard-itis
- Federal
- Adamesque Federalist
- Adamesque
- Federal Style
- Federalist
- accolade
- suburban cottage
- gabled porch
- rosette
- buhl
- buhl work
- dam
- double lancet window
- design
- White House
- serpentine
- cruciform
- nautilus-shell
- arcuated
- urban row house
- pylon
- oriel window
- barrel vault
- Venetian window
- Flemish bonds
- segmental arch
- coupled windows
- systyle
- bourse
- telamon
- atlantes
- atlas
- plaster
- full-dovetail notch
- coin
- armature
- scissor truss
- rib
- bulkhead
- chimney cap
- corn crib
- bell
- orle
- rose-en-soleil
- cartouche
- profile
- casing
- frontal
- bas-relief
- neck
- palmiform
- veneer
- cinquefoil arch
- cusp
- baldachino
- chamfer
- clapboard siding
- round church
- clipped gable
- jerkinhead
- Stacked Vertical Block
- arch
- quoining
- fascia
- stucco
- ancon
- cast
- spur
- bay dormer
- block modillion
- round arch sash
- terra cotta
- guilloche
- memorial column
- dome
- face
- marble
- fanlight
- corbel table
- campanile
- lime
- shed roof
- voussoir
- semicircular arch
- Shotgun Cottage
- scallop
- parquet floor
- three-centered arch
- drop arch
- vermiculated work
- round billet
- segmental window
- dagger
- dovetail molding
- reticulated molding
- raked joint
- isometric
- colonial panel door
- wood shingles
- segmented pediment
- turned post
- diaperwork
- geometric tracery
- geometrical tracery
- quatre-foil
- quatrefoil tracery
- cusps
- cuspidate
- stucco finish
- plaster cast
- hipped porch
- De Stijl
- corbeille
- French Baroque architecture
- lanterne des morts
- architecture parlante
- carta pesta
- papier mache
- papier-mâché
- minimalist garden
- A Glossary of Colonial Architectural Terms (1928)
- Museum - Newseum, Washington, District of Columbia
- Architecture Dictionary
- Gimli Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee (2018)
- Main Street Now - Birmingham, Alabama (2024)
- Downtown - Cranford, New Jersey
- Glossary: Architectural Terms (2005)
- Common Architectural Styles and their Distinguishing Features (2005)
- Historic Preservation (2000)
- American House Styles (2002)
- Buildings of Main Street: A Guide to American Commercial Architecture (2000)
- What Style is it? (1983)
- Identifying American Architecture (1977)
- American Architecture Since 1780 (1996)
- Centre County Architecture (2009)
- Glossary of Medieval Art and Architecture (2022)
- English Church Architecture (2018)
- Glossary of architecture (2018)
- Archetypes in Architecture (1985)
- Architecture: From Prehistory to Modernity (2002)
- Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture (2002)
- How to Complete the National Register Registration Form (1997)
- Marble Institute (2011)
- Identification and Glossary of Terms (2018)
- A Guide to Architect Terms and Phrases (2018)
- A View on Cities (2018)
- Design Training (2018)
- Historic Environment Scotland (2018)
- Preservation Science (2019)
- Glossary of Bridge Terminology (2019)
- Andover's Architectural Styles (2021)
- Architecture Dictionary (2023)
- Study of the Orders (1906)
- Strategic Doing Credo
- WebRef Architecture (2005)
- Tudor History Architecture Glossary (2005)
- Tactical Urbanism Workshop
- Romeo & Juliet (1597)
- A Visual Dictionary of Architecture (1995)
- Rediscovering Art Deco U.S.A. (2002)
- Architecture / Origin / Africa / Egyptian
- Architecture / Empire / Roman
- 10th National Eucharistic Congress - Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)
- Main Street Now - Birmingham, Alabama (2024), Part 2
- Downtown - Florence, South Carolina (2023)
- Downtown - Occoquan, Virginia
- Downtown - Suffern, New York
- Downtown - Atlantic City, New Jersey