Isaac Kremer/ January 14, 2018/ / 0 comments
The art and science of designing and constructing buildings adapted to their purposes, one of which is beauty. 2. The products of architecture. Photo from Milan, Italy, 2018. (Saylor, 1952)
- Louis XIV
- Regency
- civilizing hero
- Architecture / Empire / England & Britain
- Medici Chapels - Florence, Italy
- 48 Hours, 48 Months, 48 Years: A Planning Innovation - Oyster Bay, New York
- Creative Placemaking to Transform a Park in Milwaukee and Build a #BetterMainStreet
- How We Neglected Public Space in the US, and How to Make it Better
- Downtown - York, Pennsylvania
- Downriver Review - Letters from Louisiana
- What Will Happen With the Marx Brewing Company Site?
- Delirious Wyandotte
- Save the 1870’s Eberts House!
- Clever Costume of the 1893 First Commercial Bank
- Architecture / Empire / Roman
- Romanesque
- Architecture / Origin / Greek
- Castle style
- green building
- Early Renaissance
- five
- moon
- rainbow
- Downtown - Manchester, Vermont
- tangent buttress
- Byzantine Revival
- Chinoiserie
- Chicago style
- classical architecture
- classical
- Classical style
- classicism
- Adam
- Adam style
- Adamesque
- Federal
- Federalist
- AEG Turbine Factory
- canales
- araeostyle
- Queen Anne architecture
- thermae
- Mannerism
- Brutalism
- Etruscan
- crown
- enneastylar
- enneastyle
- crow step
- crow-steps
- crowstep
- crowstep gable
- Tudor
- Postmodernism
- cornice return
- Victorian
- attic
- pylon
- International Style
- octastyle
- polystyle
- Bauhaus
- systyle
- eustyle
- classical antiquity
- pronaos
- pteron
- Spanish Colonial
- Flamboyant
- scale
- sgraffito
- panorama
- double doors
- Tudor Revival
- Tudor Revival Style
- Colonial Revival
- Gothic Architecture
- Tudor arch
- bas-relief
- louver
- presbytery
- onion dome
- vernacular
- cornice
- Georgian
- ornament
- tin ceiling
- Spanish Colonial style
- pediment
- polychromy
- column
- Renaissance
- Renaissance architecture
- pedimented dormers
- animal motif
- Architecture / Design / Composition / Vitruvian Triad
- peardrop
- post-and-lintel architecture
- Louis Quatorze architecture
- Louis Quinze architecture
- Henri Deux architecture
- French Baroque architecture
- École des Beaux Arts
- L'Ecole des Beaux Arts
- Raguer
- architecture parlante
- Merovingian architecture
- architecture parlent
- Bourbon architecture
- Details: The Architect's Art (1991)
- America's First Cathedral (2007)
- Creating the Artful Home: The Aesthetic Movement (2006)
- Architectural Styles (1979)
- The American Glossary of Architectural Terms (1887)
- A Concise Glossary of Architectural Terms (1896)
- New Landscapes: Youth and Communities - Florence, Alabama
- Museum - Newseum, Washington, District of Columbia
- Gimli Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee (2018)
- Classic Architectural Vocabulary (2023)
- Preservation Plan for St. Louis (1995)
- Loggia (2017)
- Common Architectural Styles and their Distinguishing Features (2005)
- Historic Preservation (2000)
- American House Styles (2002)
- Buildings of Main Street: A Guide to American Commercial Architecture (2000)
- What Style is it? (1983)
- Identifying American Architecture (1977)
- American Architecture Since 1780 (1996)
- (2009)
- Tudor History Architecture Glossary (2005)
- WebRef Architecture (2005)
- Architectural Terms (2007)
- Centre County Architecture (2009)
- Dictionary of Architecture (1952)
- Old House Dictionary (1994)
- ABC's of Architecture (1998)
- American Houses (2004)
- Sturgis' Dictionary (1901)
- Illustrated Dictionary of Historic Architecture (1977)
- S, M, L, XL (1995)
- Glossary of Medieval Art and Architecture (2022)
- English Church Architecture (2018)
- Glossary of architecture (2018)
- The Oxford History of the Classical World (1986)
- Brunelleschi's Dome (2000)
- Symbols and Their Meaning (2000)
- Architecture: From Prehistory to Modernity (2002)
- Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture (2002)
- Built in the USA (1985)
- The Visual Dictionary of Architecture (2008)
- Marble Institute (2011)
- Glossary of architecture (2017)
- Visual Arts Encyclopedia (2017)
- Identification and Glossary of Terms (2018)
- A View on Cities (2018)
- Design Training (2018)
- Historic Environment Scotland (2018)
- Ikonet (2021)
- The Great Courses: Travelling the Roman Empire (2022)
- Architecture Dictionary (2023)
- My Modern Met (2023)
- KGA Studio Architects (2023)
- Visual Arts Cork (2023)
- Adrian Architecture (2023)
- National Endowment for the Humanities (2023)
- Manningham Conservation Area Assessment (2023)
- Stromberg Architectural Products (2023)
- Study of the Orders (1906)
- From Abacus to Zeus (1968)
- Architecture Sources Cited (Chronological)
- Creative Placemaking Bootcamp
- A Guide to Architect Terms and Phrases (2018)
- The Library of Congress: An Architectural Alphabet (2000)
- Rediscovering Art Deco U.S.A. (2002)
- Architecture / Origin / Africa / Egyptian
- Architecture / Empire / Egypt
- Downtown - Florence, South Carolina (2023)
- Savannah Architecture Glossary
- pinnacles
- pinnacle
- Blobitecture
- defensive architecture
- Sesquicentennial Tour - Wyandotte, Michigan
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / Congregational Church
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / Michigan Alkali Company Administration Building
- Wyandotte Interactive Tour / Site of Ford Village Municipal Building
- Understanding Architecture (1994)
- ogee arch
- art nouveau
- Perpendicular Gothic style
- Metabolists
- monumental architecture
- Georgian Colonial
- Georgian motif
- Neo-Georgian
- Georgian Colonial architecture
- Queen Anne revival style
- vernacular architecture
- Colonial architecture
- Adamesque Federalist
- Period Houses
- tout ensemble
- Architectural Styles: A Visual Guide (2014)
- capriccio
- Perpendicular Period
- gesamtkunstwerk
- Solomonic column
- Downtown and the Faubourgs - New Orleans, Louisiana
- Ancient Roman
- Early Gothic
- Italian Baroque
- German and Eastern European Baroque
- Spanish and Latin American Baroque
- French Baroque
- New Objectivity
- Empire Style
- Collegiate Gothic
- The Architecture, Art, and Culture of Savannah, Georgia
- Downtown - Providence, Rhode Island
- Downtown - Hamilton, Ontario
- Architecture / Style / Gothic Revival
- lion
- cupola
- canopy
- Ford Motor Company Highland Park Plant - Highland Park, Michigan
- Downtown - Berkley, Michigan
- Larkshire Elementary School - Farmington Hills, Michigan
- Lewes, Delaware
- camera
- Rococo architecture
- Illustrated Glossary of Architecture, 850-1830 (1966)
- The Grammar of Ornament (1856)