- arch
- balustrade
- clock
- dome
- egg and dart
- fountain
- gallery
- helix
- inlay
- jamb
- keystone
- lantern
- mosaic
- newel
- overdoor
- pilaster
- quoin
- relief
- spandrel
- tripod
- urn
- vault
- window
- x-motif
- youth
- zigzag
- acanthus leaves
- alcove
- allegorical
- alphabet
- aluminum leaf
- American Renaissance
- antic little boys
- apex
- arch
- architects
- architectural competition
- architectural treasures
- architecture presents man
- arrows
- art
- artisans
- artists’ books
- arts and sciences
- auditorium
- balanced design
- balanced scales of justice
- balustrade
- banded garland of leaves
- base
- basement level
- basin
- bas-reliefs
- bay leaves
- bicentennial
- blazing torch
- blocks of stone
- book alcoves
- book stacks
- books
- boutonnieres
- broadsides
- bronze
- bronze entrance doorways
- bronze figure
- bronze leaves
- bronze panel
- bundle of banded leaves
- burning oil
- capital
- capitol hill
- cartouches
- carved panel
- caryatids
- ceiling
- ceiling vaults
- ceilings
- celebrate
- celestial globe
- centennial
- center niche
- central painting
- cherubs
- chevron
- circular motif
- circular pattern
- civilization
- civilizations
- civilized pursuits
- classical architecture
- classical art
- classical literature
- classical myth
- clerestory
- clerestory arch
- clock
- cogwheel
- collar painting
- collections
- colored glass
- columns
- comedy
- commemorative arch
- composer
- conceived
- conch shells
- construction
- cookbooks
- Corinthian
- Corinthian capitals
- Corinthian columns
- corners
- corridor
- creativity
- cultural heritage
- cultural institution
- darker oak
- darts
- decorative artists
- deep carving
- delight
- denizens
- departments of learning
- dime novels
- dolphins
- dome
- double columns
- dramatic
- eagles
- egg and dart
- egg shapes
- egg-and-dart molding
- elaborately decorated interior
- electric lights
- embellished
- embellishments
- end walls
- engaged column
- engineers
- engraved devices
- entrance arch spandrels
- eras
- exhibit areas
- exhibit cases
- exhibitions
- exhibits
- exterior
- fanciful figures
- Father Time
- first story
- flame
- floors
- foot
- forest of columns
- fountain
- four seasons
- frame of golden egg-and-dart molding
- freedom
- frogs
- frozen waves
- galleries
- gallery
- gallery staircase
- garland
- garlands
- genius
- gilded
- gilded egg-and-dart molding
- gilded flame
- gilded rosettes
- goddess
- gold-leaf mosaic background
- graduated sections
- grand staircase
- granite
- granite grotto
- great hall
- great pier
- great rotunda
- griffins
- guardian of civilization
- guidebook
- helix
- helmet
- hemispherical ceiling
- High Renaissance
- history
- holdings
- house exhibitions
- human aspiration
- human promise
- human resources
- human understanding
- hunter
- identical
- illustrative arts
- incunabula
- inlaid marble floor
- inlay
- insignia
- intellectual heritage
- Interior
- inventions
- Italian marble
- Italian Renaissance style
- jamb
- keystone
- knowedge
- knowledge
- lantern
- large medallions
- lasting
- Latin
- laurel leaves
- laurel-leaf swags
- laurel-lef
- learning
- leaves
- lectures
- library
- library building
- life-size female figures
- life-size figures
- light mahogany
- lighted globe
- lions’ heads
- lions’ paws
- literature
- loggia
- lower turning
- lunette
- lunettes
- main entrance
- marble
- marble arches
- marble floor
- material resources
- mechanic
- menagerie
- Minerva
- molding
- monogram
- monument
- mosaic
- mosaic floor
- mosaic floors
- natural light
- Neptune
- nereids
- newel
- oak
- olive leaves
- open door
- open gallery
- opulent
- ornamented stucco panels
- ornate facade
- overdoor
- overhead lamps
- painters
- painting
- paired columns
- panel
- panel of wood inlay
- paneled beams
- panels
- passing time
- past
- pavilion
- pavilions
- peace
- pendentive figures
- pendentives
- permanent exhibition
- personal library
- pilaster
- planning
- plasterwork surface
- pliers
- portal
- practical structure
- printers
- printer’s marks
- printing
- progress of civilization
- projecting features
- public building
- public entrance
- punctuate
- quoin
- raised work
- rams’ heads
- rare books
- reading room
- receptions
- reflection
- relief
- repeated motif
- research facilities
- revolutions
- ribbon-banded
- ribs
- rock faced
- Roman
- rooftop structure with windows
- rosettes
- rotunda
- rows
- saucer domes
- scale motif
- science
- sconces
- scroll
- sculpted
- sculptors
- sculptural relief
- sculpture
- scythe
- sea horses
- sea nymphs
- sea serpent
- seasonal
- seasonal attributes
- second floor
- second story
- semicircular painting
- series
- shaft
- shells
- shield
- skylight
- smiling cherubs
- smooth
- spandrel
- special collections
- speech
- spring
- spring winds
- square coffers
- square pilasters
- square windows
- stained glass
- staircase
- storks
- stucco
- stucco panels
- stucco tripod
- students
- swags
- three-legged vessel with a bowl
- title page
- torch
- torch of knowledge
- torch of learning
- trademark
- treasures
- tridents
- tripod
- tritons
- turtles
- tympanum
- urn
- vases
- vault
- vermiculated
- visitors’ gallery
- volute
- walls
- war
- water
- watercolor
- wave
- wedge-shaped
- white stucco work
- window
- winged mermaids
- wisdom
- wood inlay
- work holed
- writing
- x-motif
- young readers
- youth
- zigzag
- zigzag motif
- zodiac
Sources Cited
Peatross, C. Ford. The Library of Congress: An Architectural Alphabet. Washington, D.C.: Archetype Press, Inc. 2000.
Key Facts
At time of upload on July 10, 2024:
- 153 duplicative terms of those already existing in the Architectural Dictionary
- 205 original terms
- 358 total terms in source
- 57.3% original terms in source
- 146 sources in dictionary
- 25,950 unique terms in dictionary
- 46,880 total terms all sources in dictionary
- 55.4% unique terms in dictionary