- abacus
- abutment
- acanthus flower
- adobe
- aedicula
- anchor
- anchor beams
- ancones
- anthemion
- apophyge
- apse
- arcade
- arcaded attic story
- arcaded chimney stacks
- arcaded cornice
- arcaded gallery
- arcaded hyphens
- arcaded logia
- arched double doors
- arched entry
- arched portal
- arched tracery
- arched window
- arched window opening
- arched window openings
- architrave
- architrave cornice
- architrave multiple fascias
- architrave trim
- architrave window frames
- archivolt
- arris
- Art Deco
- Art Moderne
- ashlar finish
- astragal
- atlantes
- attenuated column
- attic base
- attic story
- baguette
- balconets
- balconied porch
- balcony
- ball and flower molding
- balusters
- balustrade
- balustraded deck
- balustraded terrace
- bargeboards
- base
- basket-handle arch
- battered walls
- battlemented parapet
- battlements
- bay window
- bead and reel molding
- beaded’ horizontal board siding
- Beaux-Arts Classicism
- bed molding
- bell tower
- bell-cast roof
- belt course
- belvedere
- bevel siding
- blind arcade
- board and batten finish
- board and batten shutters
- board door
- bowed bays
- boxed cornice
- boxed eaves
- bracket
- bracketed cornice
- bracketed gabled overdoor
- brick
- brick arch
- brick finish
- bricks
- broken pediment
- bull’s eye corner block
- bundled shaft
- bungalow
- Bungalow Style
- calmes
- capital
- carriage porch
- cartouche
- caryatides
- casement window
- catsllde roof
- caulicoli
- cavetto
- cavetto cornice
- cement panels
- central block
- chateau
- Chateau
- checkerboard stone work
- chevron pattern bond
- chimney
- chimney caps
- chimney caps corbeled
- chimney pent
- chimney pots
- chimney rubble stone
- chimneys
- cinquefoil arch
- clapboard
- Classical door surround
- clay roof tile
- clay tile
- clerestory windows
- closed eaves
- cobblestone
- collar brace
- collar tie
- collar tie or beam
- Colonial Revival
- colonial revival
- combed at ridge shingles
- Composite order
- compound arch
- concave side mansard roof
- concrete wall
- conical roof
- console
- coping
- corbel stop
- corbel table
- corbels
- Corinthian capital
- Corinthian order
- corner block
- corner board
- corner boards
- corner lights
- corner post
- cornice
- corona
- corredor
- coupled columns
- coursed ashlar
- crenelles
- cresting
- crockets
- croisette
- cross-gable
- cross-window
- crown
- crown molding
- cupola
- curtain wall of glass
- curved window glass
- curvilinear gable
- cusps
- cyma recta
- cyma reversa
- cymatium
- decorative brick bond
- dentils
- dependencies
- diagonal braces
- diagonal brackets
- diagonal stacks
- diamond slate tile
- domed corner buttresses
- domical roof
- doors
- double door
- drip board
- Dutch Colonial
- dutch colonial
- Dutch door
- Dutch gambrel roof
- Dutch-cross bond
- Eastern Stick
- Eastern Stick Style
- Eastlake
- echinus
- egg and dart molding
- Egyptian Revival
- elbows
- elliptical arch
- encircling veranda
- English basement
- English bond
- entablature
- entasis
- entrances
- entresol windows
- equilateral arch
- extrados archivolt molding
- eyebrow window heads
- eyelid dormers
- facade
- fan light
- fascia
- Federal
- figure sculpture
- fillet
- finial
- fish-scale pattern slate tiles
- flanking wings
- flat roof
- Flemish bond
- fleur-de-lis
- floriated patterns
- fluted pilasters
- fluted shaft
- French Colonial
- French window
- frieze
- gable
- gable end chimney
- gable end jetty
- gable end pent
- gable roof
- gabled dormer
- gabled entry
- gabled nave
- gabled overdoor
- gabled porch
- gabled projecting pavilion
- gabled tower
- gables
- gablet
- gallery
- garlands
- gauged bricks
- Georgian
- Gingerbread vergeboard
- glass curtain wall
- glass panels
- glass-paneled door
- Gothic arch
- Gothic Revival
- Greek Doric order
- Greek orders
- Greek Revival
- grille work
- grotesques
- ground floor rusticated ashlar
- guilloche
- guttae
- half-timber
- hand-split shingles
- haunch
- header course
- hexagonal slate tiles
- hip knob
- hip knobs
- hip roll
- hip roof
- hip roof valley
- hipped dormer
- hood mold
- horizontal siding
- impost
- impost course
- impost level
- impost molding
- impost return
- international
- International Style
- intrados soffit
- Ionic columns
- Ionic Order
- Ionic scroll
- iron balconet
- Italian Villa
- Italianate
- jambs
- jerkin head roof
- jetty
- joints
- keystone
- kick
- king post
- king’s closer
- knee brace
- knobs on posts
- label mold
- label stop
- lancet window
- lantern
- lattice-like porch base
- lights
- lintel-type sash
- lobes
- loggia
- lotus-flower capital
- louvered shutters
- low-relief sculpture
- ltalia villa
- lunette
- medallions
- merlons
- metal curbs
- metal panels
- metal roll flashing
- metopes
- metule blocks
- mirrored panels
- mission
- Mission Style
- mitered arch window heads
- modillion
- molded archivolts
- molded brick
- molded rake board
- molded Roman Doric base
- molded terra cotta belt
- molded terra cotta cornice
- monitor
- monumental portico
- mosaic tile
- mouse toothing
- mullion
- muntin
- nave
- Neo-Classicism
- New England Colonial
- New England gambrel roof
- niche
- obelisk-like pinnacle
- octagon
- ogee curve
- Orders
- oriel window
- overhang
- ovolo molding
- pagoda-like roof
- Palladian window
- paneled apron
- paneled door
- paneled pilaster
- paneled soffit
- paneled window apron
- parapet
- parapet trim
- parapet wall
- pavilion roof
- pedestal
- pedimented dormers
- pedimented frontispiece
- pedimented pavilion
- pedimented portico
- pedimented window head
- pendant
- pent roof
- piazza
- pier
- pilaster
- pilastered arcades
- pilastered parapet
- pilaster-like mullions
- pinnacle
- pintles
- plaster finish
- plastered portal
- plinth
- podium
- pointed arch
- polygonal bay
- porches
- portal
- porte cochere
- porthole dormer
- porthole window
- porticos
- posts
- Prairie
- Prairie Style
- projecting pavilion
- pueblo
- Pueblo Style
- pulvinated frieze
- purlins
- pylon tower
- pyramidal roof
- quarrels
- quatrefoil porch trim pattern
- quatrefoil tracery
- Queen Anne
- Queen Anne Style
- queen’s closer
- quoins
- rafters
- rail
- railing
- rainbow roof
- raised basement
- rake board
- raking cornice
- raven
- reel
- relieving arch
- Renaissance Revival
- respond
- return
- ribbon windows
- Richardsonian arch
- Richardsonian Romanesque
- ridge
- ridge flashing
- rinceau
- riven shingles
- rock-faced coursed ashlar
- rock-faced stone trim
- roll molding
- roll or rope molding
- Roman Classicism
- Roman Doric columns
- Roman Doric order
- Roman Doric orders
- Roman Doric portico
- Roman order
- Romanesque Revival
- rondelles
- roof
- roof details
- roofs
- round arch
- round posts
- rounded corners
- rubbed brick
- rubble
- saddle bars
- saltbox roof
- scotia molding
- scroll brackets
- scroll-like modillions
- Second Empire
- Second Renaissance Revival
- segmental relieving arch
- segmental window
- shed dormer
- shed roof
- shingle
- shingle siding
- Shingle Style
- shingle-covered porch posts
- shutter holdbacks
- sill
- simulated thatch roof
- slate roof
- slate roof tile
- soffit
- Southern Colonial
- spandrel
- Spanish Colonial
- Spanish Colonial Revival
- sphinx
- spindle baluster
- spool baluster
- springer
- staircase exterior
- statuary
- stepped facade
- stepped frontispiece
- stepped gable
- stile
- stone bands
- stoop
- strap hinges
- stretcher course
- string course
- struck joints
- stucco
- studs
- styles
- stylized figure sculpture
- stylobate
- Sullivanesque
- sun disk and vulture symbol
- sun porch
- sunrise and floriated patterns
- swags
- swan’s neck pediment
- swan’s neck
- Swedish gambrel roof
- tabernacle frame
- taenia
- talon ornament
- tent roof
- terra cotta chimney pots
- The Octagon
- thumb latch
- tie beam
- tooled joints
- Torus molding
- transept
- transom
- transomed window
- trefoil arch
- triglyph
- truncated hip roof
- T-shape stacks
- Tudor arch
- tumbling
- turret
- Tuscan order
- tympanum
- uncoursed rubble stone
- urns
- Venetian window
- veranda-like porch
- vergeboards
- vermiculated quoins
- Victorian Gothic
- Victorian Romanesque
- vigas
- Vitruvian scroll
- volute buttress
- volutes
- voussoirs
- wall buttress
- wall finishes
- wall plate
- water table
- weather boards
- weatherings
- Western Stick
- Western Stick Style
- window
- window grilles
- window surrounds
- windows
- wood shingles
- wooden colonettes
- X braces
- zig-zag decorative band
- zig-zag parapet trim
Sources Cited
Pevsner. 1977.
Key Facts
At time of upload on January 19, 2025:
- 517 duplicative terms of those already existing in the Architectural Dictionary
- 17 original terms
- 534 total terms in source
- 3.2% original terms in source
- 158 sources in dictionary
- 23,315 unique terms in dictionary
- 49,929 total terms all sources in dictionary
- 46.7% unique terms in dictionary