Union Station – Washington, D.C.

Isaac Kremer/ December 15, 2024/ Field Notes, Physical, preservation/ 0 comments

One of the great pieces of transportation infrastructure is also one of the largest art objects in the U.S. We saw Union Station as most people do – rushing to reach their train on time. While approaching in the taxi and rideshare arrivals lane, it was a nice reminder to see how close we were to the U.S. Capitol Building.

Turning the corner towards the entrance, the lines of the Beaux Arts building really stand out.

The next impressive space is in the vestibule after walking through the arched entrance. The vaulting above, elaborate inlaid marble on the floor, and a beautiful bronze grille foreshadow the detailing travelers should expect to find inside.

The vaulting above, elaborate inlaid marble on the floor, and a beautiful bronze grille foreshadow the detailing travelers should expect to find inside.

The real wonder upon entering the main hall is the vaulted coffered ceiling.

Hearkening back to a period of time when travel was dignified, travelers pass between Doric columns and an architrave surmounted by guardian figures holding shields. From there it was a few short minutes to the appropriate train platform. In this respect train travel is far more convenient and less onerous that flying.

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About Isaac Kremer

Isaac is a nationally acclaimed downtown revitalization leader, speaker, and author. Districts Isaac managed have achieved over $850 million of investment, more than1,645 jobs created, and were 2X Great American Main Street Award Semifinalists and a 1X GAMSA winner in 2023. His work has been featured in Newsday, NJBIZ, ROI-NJ, Patch, TapInto, and USA Today. Isaac is a Main Street America Revitalization Professional (MSARP), with additional certifications from the National Parks Service, Project for Public Spaces, Grow America (formerly the National Development Council), and the Strategic Doing Institute. He currently serves as Executive Director for Experience Princeton in Princeton, New Jersey.

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