Isaac Kremer/ September 9, 2023/ / 0 comments
Heraldic term for the color gold. (White & Robertson, 1991)
- sundial
- tondo
- Writing
- The Architecture, Art, and Culture of Savannah, Georgia
- About Us
- carn
- pavilion
- Downtown - Millburn, New Jersey
- cascade
- summerhouse
- pigmented structural glass
- allee
- embrasure
- Field Notes: Ongoing Program
- Downriver Review - Letters from Louisiana
- Creating Experiences on Main Street
- Preserving Wyandotte’s Theater
- water wheel
- portcullis
- scale
- Downtown - Manchester, Vermont
- relieving arch
- diaper
- winder
- narthex
- hypotrachelium
- chantry
- martyrium
- theater
- Architecture / Empire / Egypt
- key
- Guastavino
- wall buttress
- basket weave
- epistata
- epistaton
- tetraprostyle
- decastyle
- green building
- pharmacy
- skylights
- architectural fountain
- glass-house
- finishing nail
- cut glass
- High Victorian Gothic
- Façadism
- pile
- helix
- bow
- smokestack
- monument
- flat
- glass
- art glass
- candle holder
- air-supported dome
- clinch nail
- solid block flooring
- San Rocco
- water pump
- botress
- botrasse
- buttress
- flying buttress
- buttress tower
- buttress wall
- arch buttress
- rounded buttress
- spiral staircase
- console with foliate swag
- wire glass
- basketweave
- loggia
- Magi
- Great Buildings (2009)
- channel
- grotto
- Roman Doric
- Roman Doric order
- mask
- exedra
- belvedere
- outlook
- hexastyle
- nogging
- grained newel post
- ice house
- icehouse
- skylight
- bucranium
- medallion
- smokehouse
- escutcheon
- keyed joint
- Glossary of Log Construction
- privy
- ledged and braced door
- ledged door
- erection bracing
- temple
- Field Notes: Customized Blade Sign
- hanging buttress
- guild
- tangent buttress
- boterasse
- wheel
- Catherine-wheel window
- Catherine wheel
- Arabesque
- Arts and Crafts movement
- movement
- Breccia marble
- bungaloid
- camp
- cap
- Creole cottage
- Chicago style
- Cape Cod cottage
- classic
- classical
- Classical style
- cœlum
- soffit
- Chateauesque
- margin-light
- cottage ornee
- drinking fountain
- papal
- Western triple cross
- Papal cross
- trompe l'oeil
- trompe l'oeil painting
- marbleized
- faux bois
- ragging
- scumbling
- Federal
- Adamesque Federalist
- Adamesque
- Federal Style
- Federalist
- parklet
- arcaded block commercial building
- mansard
- mansarde
- straight side mansard roof
- corner commercial building
- rood
- rood stair
- weatherboard
- weatherboards
- abbey
- accolade
- acropolis
- amphistylar
- aggregate
- Agnus Dei
- aisle
- alaryne
- Alcázar
- alerin
- pavilion porch
- tongue and groove
- garderobe
- backing
- hip roll
- cordon
- parquetry
- stool
- hammer beam
- hammer-beam
- fireback
- sleeper
- araeostyle
- barrel roof
- double notch
- ward
- auditorium
- Queen Anne architecture
- Queen Anne
- pendant
- festoon
- suburban cottage
- cove ceiling
- clochaharium
- ironwork doors
- chrome
- bold colors
- decorative doors
- casement window
- synthetic materials
- geometric motifs
- clock tower
- motel
- skeleton frame
- Corinthian
- ziggurat
- mosaics
- bearing wall
- cinquefoil
- porch piers
- buhl
- buhl and counter
- buhl work
- encrustation
- inlaid work
- marqueterie
- marquetry
- minster
- geison
- close
- temenos
- crepidoma
- frigidarium
- tripteral
- crypt
- undercroft
- altar table
- clock turret
- shopping-mall
- elevator
- urn
- quadrangle
- proscenium
- benguinage
- stained glass
- veranda
- vane
- Second Empire
- gymnasium
- crown
- extrados
- haunch
- intrados
- bank building
- bank building
- portico
- hexastylar
- biloggial
- brace
- corner post
- frame
- portal
- dam
- Geodesic Dome
- lancet
- wing
- general store
- newel
- newel post
- span
- monopteral
- fireplace hood
- design
- brattishing
- obelisk
- Order
- workshop
- dodecastyle
- hypocaust
- cement
- amphirostylos
- pueblo
- galleting
- squint
- horse
- flue
- stereobate
- Lateran
- novelty siding
- serpentine
- rampart
- caisson
- crow-steps
- chipolin painting
- great room
- bullnosed step
- well
- finish
- study
- den
- rose
- St. Luke
- planetarium
- Sienna marble
- reading room
- reinforced concrete
- aquarium
- gate
- spring
- block
- quarry
- parade
- projection
- wallpaper
- revetment
- turntable
- stage
- viaduct
- bed
- giant order
- straight-sided mansard roof
- thrust
- stop
- model
- detail
- square
- elevator cage
- Classical revivals
- cornice return
- chinking
- puncheon
- range
- pointing
- applique
- foliate
- gauged bricks
- arch bricks
- blind tracery
- penthouse
- kneipe
- label
- berm
- attic
- garret
- château
- shopping-arcade
- suspended ceiling
- barn
- area
- coffee shop
- retaining wall
- conservatory
- gargoyle
- pantry
- colonnaded porch
- oriel window
- splay
- splayed
- awning
- chimney
- batter
- International Style
- Palladian motif
- arcade
- respond
- Greek Revival
- metope
- stylobate
- segmental arch
- astragal
- lock
- stud
- trabeated
- stadium
- public space
- anthemion
- kiosk
- floor
- grille
- brick-front commercial building
- hardware store
- downspout
- jack arch
- gazebo
- restoration
- shoring
- spillway
- spindled porch frieze
- turning
- hypaethral
- compluvium
- joggle
- wicket
- balloon framing
- balloon frame
- oratory
- folly
- pentastyle
- heptastylar
- cone
- bowtell
- bowtel
- bowtelle
- roll molding
- beak-head molding
- beak-moulding
- bourse
- piscina
- bema
- naos
- cell
- cuneus
- section
- classical antiquity
- pronaos
- stoa
- pteron
- mihrab
- megaron
- Spanish Colonial
- tympanum
- parvis
- inglenook
- module
- in antis
- plaster
- jaquemart
- jacquemart
- windmill
- landmark
- esplanade
- ogee cap
- nebuly molding
- cable molding
- cabling
- landing
- entry
- coin
- queen closer
- railing
- tessera
- flush
- draft
- timber frame
- strapwork
- casemate
- keep
- armature
- minaret
- Dutch door
- Galilee
- centering
- perpendicular
- axis
- merchants' hall
- pagoda
- manor house
- herringbone
- Dutch gable dormer
- panel
- gatehouse
- transom light
- corbel
- thatch
- thatch roof
- basement
- sconce
- altar step
- triforium
- boss
- rib vault
- knot
- panorama
- window surround
- window surrounds
- fence
- bulkhead
- half-timber building
- half-timbered building
- bay
- facade
- light
- sill
- oriel
- frieze
- plate
- wall plate
- cushion
- shell
- imbrication
- Swiss Chalet
- wellhouse
- batten door
- chimney cap
- chimney hood
- bank barn
- treenail
- corn crib
- backhouse
- outhouse
- collar
- sun-disc
- Tudor Revival
- Tudor Revival Style
- regula
- baseboard
- ceiling
- lotiform
- schoolhouse
- chimney breast
- breast
- siding
- transom window
- crown glass
- mullioned window
- lights
- perspective
- brise-soleil
- passage
- billet
- orle
- annulet
- canton
- arched
- Patriarchal cross
- star
- crescent
- fret
- reglet
- vestibule
- anchor
- cant
- cupola
- jalousie
- console
- template
- commercial building
- cove
- furring
- lath
- lattice
- trellis
- closer
- story
- curtail step
- enclosed porch
- boardwalk
- bookstore
- storefront
- ledger beam
- eye
- Tudor flower
- spandrel
- cartouche
- iron-front commercial building
- profile
- entrance
- cincture
- socle
- row house
- crown molding
- casing
- fieldstone
- Romanesque commercial building
- slate
- pane
- Two-Part Commercial Block
- flashing
- bead
- label stop
- continuous business block
- organ chamber
- frontal
- bas-relief
- interlace
- tapestry
- altarpiece
- lavabo
- grisaille
- pintle
- pintles
- chapter
- chapter-house
- chapter room
- stone
- hall
- choir screen
- sphinx
- propylon
- propyla
- palmiform
- espalier
- court
- castle
- quirk
- girder
- astylar
- surround theater
- ogee
- veneer
- louver
- brownstone
- hip knob
- foliated
- screen
- crest
- altar
- groin
- cusp
- foil
- trumeau
- baldacchino
- baldachin
- baldachino
- baldaquin
- ciborium
- chevet
- altar rail
- door
- rail
- stile
- rose window
- quatrefoil porch trim pattern
- pitch
- batten
- board and batten
- bow window
- Italianate
- piache
- broken pediment
- door surround
- path
- garden wall
- bond
- manhole
- ovolo
- curb
- surround
- onion dome
- wigwam
- purlin
- wattle and dab
- joint
- mortice and tenon
- mortise and tenon
- jetty
- tie beam
- truss
- hinge
- bevel
- chamfer
- hearth
- chamber
- tester
- joist
- wattle
- stretcher
- gallery
- came
- quarrel
- lantern
- footing
- reveal
- plaque
- string
- header
- mortar
- wall
- denticulated
- ridge
- rabbet
- timber
- fireplace surround
- round church
- sidelight
- vent
- American bond
- common bond
- cross
- cramp iron
- vernacular
- threshold
- finial
- gable roof
- cornice
- tavern
- shake
- head
- jamb
- course
- hipped roof
- cladding
- shutter
- fillet
- band
- fret molding
- porch
- dependency
- jerkinhead
- canopy
- ornament
- lintel
- podium
- die
- cresting
- corner business block
- hatch
- pier
- squinch
- mullion
- prefabricated
- statue
- architrave
- monorail
- hood
- elevation
- facing
- lucarne
- steeple
- tower
- loft
- spire
- slab
- ashlar wall
- shaft
- balcony
- rake
- waterleaf and tongue molding
- Stacked Vertical Block
- arch
- blind
- bague
- tin ceiling
- lunette
- random bond
- random ashlar
- grotesques
- grotesque
- quoins
- quoin
- quoin stone
- smooth ashlar quoins
- stone quoin
- stone quoins
- memorial arch
- masonry
- elliptical fanlight
- random widths
- shutters
- fascia
- fretwork
- apron
- Spanish Colonial style
- Spanish Revival style
- Spanish Colonial Revival
- terrace
- patio
- pediment
- ancon
- pyramid
- bar
- Ionic
- scrollwork
- gingerbread
- Gingerbread vergeboard
- Italianate commercial building
- grocery store
- gable-front commercial building
- fish market
- blind wall
- pinnacle
- mosaic
- stele
- Prairie window
- basket weave bond
- angel
- multifoil
- sarcophagus
- quatrefoil
- spur
- cantilever
- rotunda
- parapet
- pergola
- rock-faced
- bracket
- ell
- honeycomb brickwork
- fireplace slab
- fenestration
- ledger strip
- guilloche
- rusticated
- rustication
- baptistery
- peristyle
- atrium
- dome
- herm
- octagonal tribune
- dado
- banding
- font
- ambo
- lacunar
- coffer
- nave
- broached
- broach
- ashlar
- capital
- base
- graffiti
- rostrum
- stair
- riser
- drum
- retable
- alryne
- alring
- alrine
- allure
- alleringe
- allering
- crenelation
- crenelet
- crenellation
- pillar
- ambulatory
- marble
- café
- fan light
- entasis
- stairwell
- campanile
- blind arch
- vault
- plinth
- lime
- antiquity
- molding
- cable
- dosseret
- impost block
- pendentive
- voussoir
- garland
- wreath
- Renaissance
- rusticated column
- water leaf
- slip sill
- shotgun house
- Shotgun Cottage
- linoleum
- dutch gable
- chimney bar
- monitor
- parqueterie
- stickwork
- opus incertum
- gadroon
- stirrup
- cavity wall
- diamond work
- sliding window
- geometrical stair
- pointed work
- damper
- pin
- trapdoor
- Calvary
- housing
- vermiculated work
- intersecting tracery
- folding door
- semielliptical arch
- rock-faced coursed ashlar
- variegated
- domical
- latticework
- rubblework
- fixed window
- projected window
- pedimented dormers
- corner block
- uncoursed rubble
- animal motif
- double cone
- triquetra
- louvred window
- parting strip
- drip cap
- drop siding
- Architecture / Design / Composition / Vitruvian Triad
- box stair
- open newel stair
- lug sill
- spout
- wall sheathing
- asphalt shingle
- tent roof
- compound pier
- running ornament
- pellet molding
- reticulated molding
- return bead
- fishplate
- raked joint
- round molding
- glass door
- colonial panel door
- wood shingles
- peardrop
- ceramic tile
- post flare
- gable trim
- kerfing
- allegorical motif
- backfill
- block bridging
- blind window
- blade sign
- fountain
- laylight
- sidewalk cafe partitions
- steel column
- ajutage
- jet d'eau
- tenement house
- grille work
- sunburst design
- bellied balconet
- six-over-six
- twenty-light sash
- white pine
- two-over-two
- historic districts
- preservation districts
- business improvement district
- special improvement district
- discontiguous district
- historic district
- archeological district
- district
- historic district survey
- Central Social Districts
- downtown
- the city
- Town Central
- printing machine
- woodblock print
- negative print
- sun print
- dossal
- dossel
- retablo
- dorsel
- rehabilitation
- third place
- post office
- ironworks
- parking lot
- railroad track
- portrait
- oil painting
- mural painting
- Pompeian painting
- checker
- exchequer
- diaper pattern
- petal
- checquer
- scale-moulding
- imbricated
- arc
- foils
- trefoil tracery
- trefoil arch with tracery
- cusps
- cuspidal curve
- cuspidation
- cuspidal
- cuspidate
- vis
- dancer
- cochleate
- cockle
- screw stair
- cochlea
- cochleary
- Tiffany shade
- section drawing
- palmate
- lintel construction
- stone lintel
- post-and-lintel architecture
- hyperthyris
- thatched roof
- thatching
- simulated thatch roof
- patte d'oie
- bousillage
- garconniere
- corbeille
- capitole
- rebating
- pourtour
- ciel
- pigeonnier
- oeil-de-boeuf
- fust
- espagnolette
- abatvent
- châteaux